Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Room 119 A
Phone: 215- 418-2358
Sunday, October 19: 10 am – 5 pm
Monday, October 20: 7 am – 5 pm
Tuesday, October 21: 7 am – 5 pm
Wednesday, October 22: 7 am – 11:30 am
NEW Video Accommodations:
This year the College is offering members of the media private space within the press room to conduct video interviews with abstract authors or ACG experts. Space is available on a first-come, first served basis. If you would like to reserve a specific time, please contact Jacqueline Gaulin in the press room or via email at jgaulin@gi.org.
ACG Press Conferences/Media Briefings
No formal, onsite press conferences will be held this year at ACG 2014. Instead and new for ACG 2014, the College offers a series of pre-recorded virtual press briefings which feature the insights of leading gastroenterology experts on several key abstracts that will be unveiled relating to hepatitis C, inflammatory bowel disease, drug induced liver injury, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, fecal microbiota transplantation and C. difficile. Notable case reports related to protein shakes, chia seeds, and use of other supplements where consumers’ good health intentions go bad are also featured. In these briefings, ACG experts offer their perspectives on the significance of the findings as well as tips for clinicians and patients. Links to author commentary and full-text of the abstracts are available for each study featured in the briefings.
Outside Press Conferences
Press conferences at the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting sponsored by exhibitors or groups other than ACG are outside press conferences. The College requests that no group schedule a press conference at the same time as the ACG sponsored Media Briefings. Groups holding outside press conferences are responsible for securing their own space, but are welcome to coordinate with an ACG Meetings Manager to try to identify an appropriate venue. As a courtesy, please notify the College of plans to hold a press conference at the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting by either calling the ACG Office at 301-263-9000 or by e-mailing mediaonly@gi.org.
ACG Blog
All of the press briefings, as well as abstract highlights with author commentary, featured sessions and lectures are available for instant access here on the new ACG Blog. Please check the blog daily for breaking news, expert insight and more.
Media Contact Info:
Jacqueline Gaulin of ACG via email jgaulin@gi.org or by phone at 301-263-9000. From Sunday, October 19, 10 am through Noon on Wednesday, October 22, she can be reached via email jgaulin@gi.org or onsite in the ACG Press Room (#119A; Phone 215- 418-2358) at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia.