ACG 2014 Breakfast Sessions Explore Hot Topics in GI: New ACG Guidelines, The Pregnant Patient, Endoscopy 101, Medicolegal Issues, Social Media, and More
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Monday Oct 20 6:30 am – 7:45 am
Breakfast A: GIs in the Digital Age: The Power of Social Media
Moderator: Ryan Madanick, MD
- To Socialize or Not to Socialize: The Pros and Cons of Social Media Sites: Ryan Madanick, MD, on the threats to professionalism that involvement in social media poses and how these threats can be minimized, and monitor and begin to manage your own digital footprint.
- Reputation Management: How to Use Your Online Brand to Bring in New Patients: Kenneth Brown, MD on how social media can improve patient care and how your online brand can be used to bring in new patients.
- Case Studies in Social Media: Dos and Don’ts: David T. Rubin, MD, FACG on selecting a social media platform appropriate for personal and professional use.
Breakfast E: Endoscopy 101: Esophageal and Anorectal Motility, and Hands-on
Moderator: Felice Schnoll-Sussman, MD, FACG
- Esophageal Manometry:Felice Schnoll-Sussman, MD, FACG on interpreting common esophageal motility problems, followed by a hands-on demonstration.
- Anorectal Manometry: Satish S. C. Rao, MD, PhD, FACG on interpreting common anorectal motility problems, followed by a hands-on demonstration.
- **Following the didactic lectures, attendees will participate in a hands-on session taking place in the Hands-on Workshop Center from 7:50 am-9:00 am.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:45 am – 8:15 am
Using New ACG Guidelines in Clinical Practice
Moderator: John E. Pandolfino, MD, FACG
Esophageal Eosinophilia and EoE: Are They Different?:Evan S. Dellon, MD describes the new ACG clinical guidelines for EoE and esophageal eosinophilia.
- GERD: PPIs and Is There a Dark Side?:Marcelo F. Vela, MD, MSCR, FACG explains the new ACG clinical guidelines for GERD.
- Achalasia: Diagnosis and optimization of Treatment:John E. Pandolfino, MD, FACG discusses the new ACG clinical guidelines for achalasia.
Breakfast K: The Gastroenterologist and the Pregnant Patient
Moderator:Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG
- GI Meds in Pregnancy: Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG, will identify available pharmacological therapies that are safe for treatment of GI disorders in the pregnant patient.
- IBD and Pregnancy: Sonia Friedman, MD, FACG, will define strategies for a successful pregnancy outcome in the IBD patient, including fertility, preparation of the patient for pregnancy, monitoring and postpartum issues.
- Liver Disease in Pregnancy: Tram T. Tran, MD, will evaluate diagnostic and management options for liver diseases in pregnancy.
Breakfast M: Medicolegal Issues in Gastroenterology
Moderator: Richard S. Bloomfeld, MD, FACG
- Why Are Gastroenterologists Sued?: Richard S. Bloomfeld, MD, FACG identifies top reasons gastroenterologists are named in lawsuits.
- Documentation and Communication Tips to Prevent lawsuits: John Baillie, MB, ChB, FACG describes ways to improve documentation and communication to modify your risk of adverse medicolegal events.
- Refusing and Dismissing Problem Patients: Andrew D. Feld, MD, JD, FACG on establishing policies for handling challenging patients in your practice.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 6:45 am – 8:15 am
Breakfast N: Common Liver Outpatient Consults
Moderator: Santiago Munoz, MD, FACG
- The Patient with a Solid liver Mass: K. Rajender Reddy, MD, FACG, on distinguishing between benign and malignant liver masses on imaging, and developing strategies to screen for hepatoma in patients with advanced fibrosis.
- The Abnormal liver Panel: Santiago J. Munoz, MD, FACG on evaluating abnormal liver tests and identify the presence or absence of advanced liver disease.
- The Hepatitis B Infected Patient: Joseph K. Lim, MD, FACG, on interpreting hepatitis B serologies to determine whether to follow or treat the infected patient.
Breakfast O: Practical Colonoscopy
Moderator: Joseph C. Anderson, MD
- What’s New in Colonoscopy Prep: Brooks D. Cash, MD, FACG, discusses recent data regarding various prep regimens, qualities, and adjunctive measures to achieve an optimal bowel prep.
- The Incomplete Colonoscopy: What Next? Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, explains the options for patients who have an incomplete colonoscopy.
- Approach to the Difficult Polypectomy: Charles J. Kahi, MD, FACG, on identifying techniques for successful and complete polyp resection.
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