Timothy T. Nostrant, MD, MACG
Timothy T. Nostrant, MD, MACG October 20, 1947 – October 2, 2015

We all lost a wonderful friend.

Tim Nostrant, who recently retired to Columbia, SC, passed away on October 2 after a lengthy illness. As you may know, Tim had achieved MACG status in the College and served as ACG Governor of Michigan for many years.   He was a star clinician and go-to educator spending his entire career at the University of Michigan.  We will all remember him as a valued colleague, friend and mentor. He will be missed.


Excerpt from his obituary:

 During his 36 years of service, Dr. Nostrant exhibited the attributes of a master clinician: trusted by his patients, respected by his colleagues, and admired by his students. He was an outstanding diagnostician, skillful endoscopist, and compassionate teacher. He exemplified the best in a clinical gastroenterologist. His tremendous clinical knowledge and expertise made him the “go-to” person in the Division for any GI problems.

Read full obituary