Eitaro Kume, MD
Eitaro Kume, MD

Poster 16 The Association Between Meteorological Factors and Stone-Associated Pancreatohepatobiliary Disease

Author Insight from Eitaro Kume, MD, St. Luke’s International Hospital

What’s new here and important for clinicians?

We are among the first in the world to use the differential value of barometric pressures as a new point of view. We have also discovered a new risk factor concerning the occurrence of gallstone-related hepato-biliary-pancreatic diseases. This fact may lead to further understanding of the mechanism of pathogenesis of gallstone-related events and development of new treatment.

What do patients need to know?

There may be certain days (rainy days, stormy days, changes of seasons, etc) of the year on which the risk for the occurrence of gallstone-related hepato-biliary-pancreatic diseases may rise. Therefore, avoiding other known gallstone-related aggravating factors during these periods could decrease the incidence of these conditions.

Read Abstract

Author Contact Eitaro Kume, MD, St. Luke’s International Hospital


Media Interview Requests:

To arrange an interview with any ACG experts or abstract authors please contact Jacqueline Gaulin of ACG via email jgaulin@gi.org or by phone at 301-263-9000.