Yuri Saito-Loftus
Yuri A. Saito-Loftus, MD

Poster 1718 Effect of Antidepressants on Sleep in Functional Dyspepsia

Author Insight from Yuri A. Saito-Loftus, MD, Mayo Clinic Rochester

What’s new here and important for clinicians? 

Patients with functional dyspepsia (FD) frequently report fatigue. This study shows that FD patients frequently have poor sleep quality. This study suggests that a known side effect of amitriptyline—sleepiness— has resulted in longer sleep duration, but not necessarily improvement in global sleep quality. For FD patients reporting poor sleep, a potential added benefit of amitriptyline is longer nighttime sleep.

What do patients need to know?

Poor sleep quality is common in individuals with FD.

Read the abstract

Author Contact

Yuri A. Saito-Loftus, MD, Mayo Clinic Rochester


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