Shivangi Kothari, MD
Shivangi Kothari, MD

Poster 234 The Over-The-Scope-Clip Device: An Indispensable Tool in Interventional Endoscopy: A Case Series

Author Insight from Shivangi Kothari, MD, University of Rochester Medical Center

What’s new here and important for clinicians? 

The over-the-scope clip (OTSC) device is a new and excellent tool for treating gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage, small perforations, and post-operative fistulae since its advent at the end of 2010.  This novel system is fundamentally different from the traditional endoscopic clips in that it is introduced and deployed over the scope, rather than through the scope. In addition, successful endoscopic management of severe GI bleeding and luminal perforations may help minimize the cost and morbidity associated with surgery and other interventions.


What do patients need to know? 

The OTSC device represents a major advance in the realm of endoscopic management of high-risk patients in a variety of challenging clinical settings such as gastrointestinal bleeding, perforations and fistula treatment. It is a particularly valuable tool for a subset of patients who may otherwise be very poor surgical candidates.

Read the abstract

Control of actively bleeding jejunal varix with OTSC:

Figure 1: Actively bleeding jejunal varix

Figure 2: Proximal view of jejunal varix

Figure 3; Jejunal varix status- post OTSC deployment

Author Contact Shivangi Kothari, MD, University of Rochester Medical Center


Media Interview Requests:

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