Kenneth R. DeVault, MD, FACG  ACG President 2015-2016
Kenneth R. DeVault, MD, FACG
ACG President 2015-2016

Probably a bit odd for the ACG President to blog about the Super Bowl, but I did enjoy it and wanted to share a few thoughts:

  1. First, out of full disclosure, I am a University of Tennessee graduate and I am happy for Peyton Manning.
  2. I tend to watch defensive line and linebacker play more than anything else when I watch football. The Denver defense was a thing of beauty.
  3. Most importantly though, there was a strong leadership message near the end of the game: Denver had the ball with a 16-10 lead and ran three simple running plays, then punted.  My first thought was, “Why not give Peyton a chance to make a play, extend the drive and run out the clock?”  That was not what the Bronco leadership was thinking at all.  They knew that their defence was their strength and wanted to put the game in their hands.


Why is this an important lesson?  As leaders, we are always tempted to try to “take the game in our own hands,” but that does not always – and probably will never – work out.  We need to trust our team and play to our strengths.

In the College, we have an amazing team including our professional staff, my colleagues on the Board of Trustees, all of your Governors, our amazing and hard-working committees, and most importantly, each and every one of you.  I trust you.  A major goal for me as your president is to stay out of your way, and put the game in your hands!

My final thought is that as a leader you have to be willing to make a decision and know that you have done your best.  If Cam Newton had driven his team down the field and won the game 17-16, the decision would have certainly have been questioned.  As a leader, you must have the confidence to make a decision and the fortitude to live with the consequences.  Denver appeared to be ready to do both.

I don’t mean to alienate any Carolina fans, y’all have a great future!

Thanks and have a great day!
