The American Journal of Gastroenterology February 2016 Red Section Debate: Medical Marijuana
This point-counterpoint seeks to explore both sides of a controversial topic in gastroenterology. The views presented here are not necessarily those of the authors.
High Hope for Medical Marijuana in Digestive Disorders
Robert W. Isfort, MD and Mark E. Gerich, MD
“In our experience, patients who ask about using medical marijuana are not just looking for an excuse to “get high”. Typically, these are patients with real medical issues for which more conventional agents are unacceptable, unavailable, or ineffective.” READ MORE
Is the Hype of Medical Marijuana All Smoke and Mirrors?
Jenna Koliani-Pace, MD and Corey A. Siegel, MD, MS
“While there is no denying that marijuana’s euphoria makes people feel better, there is a lack of scientific data to support the efficacy of marijuana for gastrointestinal diseases. Marijuana, when used as a medical treatment, should be held to the same standards as any other drug coming to market…” READ MORE