Eastern Pennsylvania Ho HeadshotOn Thursday, April 14th, over 45 ACG Governors met with over 250 members of Congress as part of the 2016 ACG Board of Governors Washington D.C. Fly-in.  The two themes ACG Governors focused on were the illogical and inconsistent policies of trying to increase colorectal cancer screening utilization rates at the same time as cutting reimbursement for these services, and the inability to practice medicine in this environment of lower reimbursement and more red tape and regulatory burdens, such as Meaningful Use.  ACG Governors conveyed real world, clinical examples of how these policies impact patient care and GI practices.

Check out ACG’s Facebook page to see the pictures of ACG members and Members of Congress.

ACG urges you to contact Congress and keep this momentum going.


Immanuel K. H. Ho, MD, FACG

Chair, ACG Board of Governors