Chair, ACG National Affairs
CMS….SGR… MACRA… MIPS… APMs… QCDRs… ACOs… Why does Washington D.C. love acronyms and complicated payment systems? What the heck is going on here?
ACG Hopes to Keep This Simple
ACG has reviewed the law and continues to review the recently proposed regulation that implements MACRA. We compiled a detailed overview for you that seeks to make some sense out of this alphabet soup – but hopefully in a simplified fashion and in plain English. In the upcoming days, ACG will focus on certain segments of this newly proposed payment system, delving more into the specifics but in piecemeal and in brief summaries. This way, we hope the busy GI clinician is not overloaded with lengthy explanations, complicated charts, and more acronyms all at the same time.
Read the ACG summary here.
Whitfield L. Knapple, MD, FACG
Chair, National Affairs Committee