One of the highlights of the last several months is getting to work with the presidents and staffs of the four major GI societies. Since the AGA and ASGE officers change during DDW, I thought it good to highlight how we have been working together.
While we still have work to do, the concerted efforts to correct problems with the ABIM and MOC are paying off. Since we started our joint engagement, we have seen the practice assessment, patient voice and patient safety requirements suspended and all signs are that it may be permanent. The concept of connecting the CME you are already doing to MOC credit is maturing and will certainly make that process much more tolerable. The ABIM has recently begun the development of alternatives to the every-10-year exam. There is work to be done, but we are making real progress.
All the GI societies are committed to the national “80% by 2018” goal to improve colorectal cancer screening. ACG, ASGE and AGA participate collaboratively in the National Colorectal Cancer Round Table with GI leadership from many, including ACG Trustees Dave Greenwald and Mark Pochapin, ASGE’s Laurel Fisher, and AGA representatives Tom Imperiale and Xavier Llor.
I would like to specifically highlight the cooperation between the ACG and ASGE on the GIQuIC registry. The 3,000,000th colonoscopy was recently enrolled in the program. This has been an extraordinarily successful collaboration that would have only been possible with the forward-looking leadership of our two boards. Irving Pike has provided outstanding leadership for the GIQuIC since its inception and without his tireless dedication this never would have achieved its tremendous level of success. I would also like to acknowledge the incredible administrative support provided by GIQuIC under a team led by Laurie Parker.
Finally, I want to congratulate Doug Faigel and Mike Camilleri for the leadership they have provided to the ASGE and AGA during the past year. Like many of you, I am a member of both of those organizations in addition to the ACG. I know the organizations will be in great hands with their new leaders and am looking forward to our continued cooperation.