ACG Governor for Kansas
ACG Governor for Kansas, Stanley Brand, MD FACG, was recently nominated by ACG and subsequently selected to serve on a local Medicare Contractor Advisory Committee. The goal of the committee is to improve the relations and communication between Medicare contractors and the physician community. By serving on this committee, Dr. Brand will be able to provide the GI clinician and patient’s perspective on related coverage proposals. Dr. Brand can also educate contractors on conflicting policies, or policies inconsistent with the appropriate standard of care.
Remember to contact your ACG Governor on important state and local issues impacting you and your practice.
The ACG Board of Governors is one of the most unique aspects of the American College of Gastroenterology. Governors are ACG Fellows that are elected from the membership of a particular state or region. There are currently 76 Governors across seven different regions in the U.S. and abroad. The Board of Governors acts as a two-way conduit between College leadership and the membership at-large. This helps the College make certain it is meeting the evolving needs of the membership. Contact your ACG Governor today.