*EMBARGOED All research presented at the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting is strictly embargoed until Monday, October 17, 2016 at 8:00 am EDT.

Oral 48 Comparison of Alcohol vs. Non-Alcohol-Related Cirrhosis: Trends in Hospitalization, Inpatient Mortality, and Cirrhosis-Related Complications in United States from 2002 to 2011
Author Insight from Kalpit Devani, MD, Chakradhar M. Reddy, MD (Senior Author), East Tennessee State University
What’s new here and important for clinicians?
Hospitalization for cirrhosis-related complications such as variceal bleeding, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, hepatic encephalopathy, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and renal failure are associated with substantial economic burden. Our study represents one of the largest real-world data on comparison of hospitalization, inpatient mortality and complication secondary to alcohol versus non-alcohol-related cirrhosis (NAC). We analyzed the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) database, which is the largest publicly available all-payer inpatient health care database in the United States, yielding national estimates of hospital inpatient stays. From 2002 -2011, we had 4,279,292 patients with cirrhosis out of which 47% had alcohol-related cirrhosis (AC). Females had a higher prevalence of NAC (49.5% vs 26.7%). Our study shows that there has been an increase in the rate of hospitalization of NAC patients over the study period, while hospitalization for AC and mortality for both the groups has steadily declined. AC was associated with a higher rate of cirrhosis-related complication except HCC, which was higher in patients with NAC for unclear reasons.

What do patients need to know?
Our study shows a higher rate of cirrhosis-related complication and deaths during hospitalization amongst patients with alcohol-related cirrhosis, which emphasizes the damage alcohol dependence/abuse has on the liver, and which further leads to unfavorable outcomes.
Author Contact
Kalpit Devani, MD, East Tennessee State University
Chakradhar M. Reddy, MD, East Tennessee State University
Media Interview Requests:
To arrange an interview with any ACG experts or abstract authors, please contact Brian Davis of ACG via email at mediaonly@gi.org or by phone at 301-263-9000.