Partnership Between ACG and Outcome Health, Formerly ContextMedia:Health, Will Benefit ACG Members and Their Patients
Access to digestive health patient education in the GI office setting at no cost is a major benefit of an educational partnership between ACG and Outcome Health. The collaboration, established last fall, aims to help GI physicians educate their patients about digestive health via exam room tablets, digital “wallboards” and TV monitors in gastroenterology waiting rooms. The ACG partnership with Outcome Health will deliver accurate and appropriate information on digestive health and disease in the critical moments before and during the physician consultation.
An integral part of the collaboration with the Chicago-based Outcome Health is its commitment to work with the College to produce new video programming, including patient and physician interviews. The team of video producers and designers at Outcome Health will help bring these new videos to life in collaboration with ACG experts.
The College has worked over the years to develop a robust suite of patient education on a broad range of GI health and endoscopic topics currently available online via the ACG website ( The ACG-Outcome Health partnership creates the possibility of expanding upon these important topics by producing new videos and digital health programs to be distributed via Outcome Health tablets, digital wallboards and in-office TVs, as well as via ACG’s website and social media channels.
The ACG-Outcome Health patient education programs will cover a number of common—and not-so-common—GI disorders and diseases, as well as information on common GI procedures. This partnership builds upon ACG’s significant and longstanding commitment to patient education, takes advantage of ACG’s robust base of patient education materials authored by ACG members, and allows the College to showcase the expertise and insights of ACG physicians to a larger audience.
About Outcome Health
Outcome Health develops innovative technologies that provide actionable intelligence on conditions, treatments and lifestyle choices during key moments in care. The Outcome Health platform includes the digital waiting room screen, patient mobile, digital wallboard, exam room tablet and infusion room tablet. Founded in 2006, Outcome Health now serves 200,000 physicians across 55,000 member practices and impacts 41 million patient visits monthly. Combining an in-house media team with strategic industry partnerships, Outcome Health provide relevant, timely resources that help physicians work more effectively and encourage patients to adopt healthy behaviors that lead to better outcomes.