*EMBARGOED All research presented at the World Congress of Gastroenterology at ACG2017 is strictly embargoed until Monday, October 16, 2017, at 8:00 am EDT.

Oral 53 Toxin And Drug-Induced Hepatitis: A Nationwide Analysis of Temporal Trends, Cost of Care and Outcomes
Author Insight from Khwaja F. Haq, MD, New York Medical College at Westchester Medical Center
What’s new here and important for clinicians?
Our study shows an increase in the total number of cases with toxin and drug-induced hepatitis from 2001-2006, after which there was a steady decline up until 2011. We know, over the past decade, multiple drugs have been recognized as agents of toxin and drug-induced hepatitis and have been restricted or removed from the market. Trends of our analysis may reflect some of these important safety measures. Additionally, significant demographic variations, increasing trend in cost of care, and decreasing trend in mortality was noted during the study period. Multi-center, regionally based studies are needed to better elucidate these findings and identify individuals at high risk of developing toxin and drug-induced hepatitis in the United States. This would lead to development of enhanced protective measures, better thresholds for detection, increased cost effectiveness, and continued improvement in mortality in cases with toxin and drug-induced hepatitis.
What do patients need to know?
The list of potential agents causing toxin and drug-induced hepatitis is growing with new additions every year. Fortunately, several federal institutions and programs collaboratively perform the essential public health task of making sure that safe and effective drugs are available to the people of United States. Patient education and awareness regarding hepatotoxic side effects of drugs and presenting signs/symptoms of liver injury would significantly assist care providers in identifying and reporting culprit agents, improving patient safety, and decreasing the burden on our health care system.
Author Contact
Khwaja F. Haq, MD, New York Medical College at Westchester Medical Center
Media Interview Requests:
To arrange an interview with any ACG experts or abstract authors, please contact Brian Davis of ACG via email at mediaonly@gi.org or by phone at 301-263-9000.