Listen to recordings of recent webinar series sponsored by the ACG Functional GI and Nutrition Circle on key clinical recommendations from the recently updated ACG Monograph on Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome published this summer as a supplement to The American Journal of Gastroenterology. The sessions include insightful discussions of diet, lifestyle, psychological interventions, medical management of IBS-C and chronic idiopathic constipation, and therapies that target the microbiome.
Webinar Recording Part 1: “Food for Life: The Role of Diet & Lifestyle for IBS”
Leading experts discuss the evidence and treatment recommendations related to dietary and lifestyle interventions, including the low FODMAP diet.
William D. Chey, MD, FACG
University of Michigan Health SystemAnn Arbor, MI
Emily Haller, MS, RDN
Division of Gastroenterology
University of Michigan Health SystemAnn Arbor, MI
Access the Part 1 recording now
Webinar Recording Part 2: “Evidence-Based Medical Management of IBS-C and CIC”
Leading experts discuss the evidence and treatment recommendations related to new drugs and medical therapies for these common GI conditions.
Yuri Saito Loftus, MD, FACG
Mayo Clinic
Lawrence R. Schiller, MD, MACG
Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas
Access the Part 2 recording now
Webinar Recording Part 3: “Microbiome-Based Strategies for IBS: Bugs, Drugs or Stool?”
Leading experts discuss the evidence, efficacy and updated recommendations related to prebiotics, probiotics and other microbiome-based treatment strategies.
Lucinda A. Harris, MD, FACG
Mayo Clinic
Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, MACG
Houston Methodist
Access the Part 3 Recording Now
Webinar Recording Part 4: “Behavioral Therapies for IBS”
Leading experts discuss the evidence, efficacy and updated recommendations related to psychological and behavioral therapies for the treatment of IBS. This will include a discussion on cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, and the impact of placebo.
Brian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, FACG, Mayo Clinic
Lawrence R. Schiller, MD, MACG, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas
Megan E. Riehl, PsyD, University of Michigan
Access the Part 4 recording now