*EMBARGOED All research presented at the 2019 ACG Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course is strictly embargoed until Monday, October 28, 2019, at 8:00 am CDT.
Search for Abstracts, Find Sessions, Build Your Itinerary
The 2019 ACG Annual Scientific Meeting Itinerary Planner makes it easy for you to prioritize your time at the conference. Here you can search and browse the sessions and abstracts, select events to create your own personal itinerary, add personal meetings, and view the exhibit hall layout and choose exhibitors to visit.
Anyone can view the Planner and create an account, whether registered for the meeting or not.
- Search or browse for sessions, events, paper presentations, and scientific posters.
- Review descriptions and presenters by clicking on program titles.
- Note programs of interest by clicking the “★” to add events to your itinerary.
When the ACG 2019 Meeting App goes live October 15th, the Itinerary Planner can be found within the ACG Mobile App, which can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes, Google Play or Amazon store. Once the App is available, you can log in with your email and your badge ID. If you are registered for the meeting, your saved itinerary will sync to the app and be available on your mobile device.
Access the Information You Need
Follow this link to access the information you need: eventscribe.com/2019/ACG
First-Time Users
Create an account by clicking either “My Plan”—at the bottom of the Menu list on the left—or “Login”—on the blue bar at the top of the page.
On the next page, click the green “Create guest account” button.
You will need to enter your first name, last name, and email address, then verify your profile information. An email with your access key will then be sent to you from support@eventScribe.com. (If you don’t receive the email right away, check your spam or junk folder.)
Creating and Viewing Your Plan
Use your email and access key to log back into the Planner at any time. Click “My Plan” on the home page to access your itinerary. As you continue to add events, by clicking the ★, or remove events, your personal schedule will update automatically.
How to Search for Abstracts
- Global Search- select the “Global Search” option in the menu. This search will pull any and every instance of an entered name or keyword(s).
- Searching for Orals- use the Courses/Sessions option, select the Keyword Search option, and type the word “plenary” into the search bar. The search will pull in all of the oral abstracts, and will “bucket” them by date and sort them in alphabetical order by title. The search will also pull in the general details for each paper session, since those include the word “plenary” in their event data. Each oral displays with its final ID number in front of its title.
- Searching for Posters- use the Posters option and select one of the subsequent options – whether by day, category, by number, etc.
- Searching for Video Forum abstracts- follow the same process as above but instead type “Video Forum” into the Keyword Search.
- Search by Day- use the Courses/Sessions option, select the Browse By Date option, select the date, then type the word “plenary” into the search bar. The results will display in chronological order, and will include badges indicating award winners.
Media Contact
Questions? Please contact Becky Abel of ACG via email at mediaonly [at] gi [dot] org or by phone at 301-263-9000.