Professor Guilherme Macedo shares a short video about an approach to patient communications he and his colleagues at the WGO Training Center in Porto, Portugal are using to help avoid burnout – movies! He explains how they are using examples from cinema to communicate with patients, help them feel comfortable, and make connections with their digestive and liver health.
Using examples from films that show the psychological and biological effects of obesity, drug use or alcohol addiction, he and his colleagues hope to help patients realize how common GI and liver problems come along with specific personal decisions, life events, or even new social or cultural paradigms.
About Professor Macedo
Guilherme Macedo, MD, PhD, FACG served as ACG International Governor for Portugal. Professor Macedo is the President-Elect of the World Gastroenterology Organisation and currently serves as Chair of the WGO Foundation. He is Head of the Department of Gastroenterology at Centro Hospitalar São João, University of Porto, Portugal.