“This is a long haul, but we are getting through this pandemic together, and the ACG is here for you every step of the way.”
Whether we realize it or not, we are all experiencing tremendous stress from situations that were unimaginable a few months ago: Our endoscopy practice is at a standstill. Who knew from N95 masks or telehealth visits, or acting as hospitalists for medical patients during a pandemic?
However, important elements such as meaningful engagement, connections, gratitude, recognizing our own stress and vulnerability, these are all part of our roles as authentic leaders for our patients and for our community.
These have also been the leadership values we have been following at the ACG, and to provide the best real-time information and guidance that we all need to get through this pandemic.
I wanted to share this video message with our members and remind everyone to stay strong, stay resilient, and stay safe. A lot of people are counting on us, and we are counting on each other, and you can always count on the ACG.
– Mark
Mark B. Pochapin, MD, FACG, ACG President