A New e-Book Compilation: ACG 2018 Practice Management Toolbox Highlights

The ACG Practice Management Committee’s mission is to bring practicing colleagues together to explore solutions to overcome management challenges, improve operations, enhance productivity, and support physician leadership. It was in this spirit that the Practice Management Toolbox was created. These short articles, written by practicing gastroenterologists, provide ACG members with easily accessible information to improve their practices. Some of the many relevant and insightful articles written by members of the ACG Practice Management Committee have been compiled into a special e-book, “ACG Practice Management Toolbox Highlights.” This helpful reference also includes noteworthy articles in the “Law Mind” series by Ann Bittinger, Esq.  Download your copy today!

Click here to view the e-Book.

The ACG Practice Management Committee strives to help you—and GI practices of all forms and sizes—prepare for and succeed in the ever-changing environment of our profession. Please let the Committee know if you have any ideas for future ACG Practice Management Toolbox articles or guidance.