*EMBARGOED All research presented at the 2019 ACG Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course is strictly embargoed until Monday, October 28, 2019, at 8:00 am CDT.

Oral 18 Are All Endoscopic-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries Created Equal?: Results of a National Gender-Based Survey
Author Insight from Swati Pawa, MD, FACG, Wake Forest University School of Medicine
What’s new here and important for clinicians?
Our results confirmed an overwhelming proportion (74%) of gastroenterologists reporting musculoskeletal injury due to endoscopy (MIE), regardless of provider sex or subspecialty. Of concern, MIE was reported in more than half (56%) of trainees in this sample, which suggests that early prevention of injuries is critical.
Women were more likely to report thumb, hand/finger, carpal tunnel, tendonitis, and upper back pain, whereas men were more likely to report elbow pain. More than half of women who experienced pregnancy during their career reported experience and worsening of symptoms during pregnancy.
Regarding predictors of injury: Repetitive actions most commonly associated with injury were adjusting tip angulation, use of lead aprons, use of the elevator on the duodenoscope, and non-adjustable beds/monitors. The number of procedures and hours per week performing procedures were associated with greater likelihood of injury. Rest was the most common injury treatment technique reported, and change of schedule was the most common strategy for managing injuries at work. Less than half of providers reported ever having training in ergonomics and injury prevention, though providers who had this training were less likely to report injury. Additionally, a majority of providers are open to and are interested in training.What do patients need to know?
Ergonomic training potentially prevents injury. Early training in ergonomics is important for trainees. Training in ergonomics is becoming more available but is still limited in its scope. However, development of core trainings for use in practice is necessary.
Author Contact
Swati Pawa, MD, FACG, Wake Forest University School of Medicine
swatipawa [at] yahoo [dot] com
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