Tag: Sunanda Kane
The Pregnant IBD Patient: What You Really Need to Know: Video of the Week with Dr. Sunanda Kane
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / The Pregnant IBD Patient: What You Really Need to Know: Video of the Week with Dr. Sunanda KaneExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors
Choosing Among the Expanding Armamentarium of IBD Therapies: Video of the Week with Dr. Sunanda Kane
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / Choosing Among the Expanding Armamentarium of IBD Therapies: Video of the Week with Dr. Sunanda KaneExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors
Video of the Week: Dr. Sunanda V. Kane on Biologic-Based Therapies in IBD
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Uncategorized / Video of the Week: Dr. Sunanda V. Kane on Biologic-Based Therapies in IBDExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors
Video of the Week: Dr. Sunanda V. Kane on Medication Use in Pregnancy
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Uncategorized / Video of the Week: Dr. Sunanda V. Kane on Medication Use in PregnancyExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors Play Video The ACG Education Universe is a robust online educational…
Video of the Week: Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG, ACG President-Elect, Gives the David Y. Graham Lecture–On Becoming a Successful Leader: An Amazing Journey or the Road to Nowhere?
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / Video of the Week: Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG, ACG President-Elect, Gives the David Y. Graham Lecture–On Becoming a Successful Leader: An Amazing Journey or the Road to Nowhere?Explore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors The ACG Education Universe is a robust online educational library featuring…
Featured Lectures at the World Congress of Gastroenterology at ACG
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Uncategorized / Featured Lectures at the World Congress of Gastroenterology at ACGWorld Congress of Gastroenterology at ACG2017 Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course Featured Lectures The featured lectures at the World…
David Y. Graham Lecture: On Becoming a Successful Leader: An Amazing Journey or the Road to Nowhere?
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Uncategorized / David Y. Graham Lecture: On Becoming a Successful Leader: An Amazing Journey or the Road to Nowhere?ACG’s DAVID Y. GRAHAM LECTURE Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG, ACG Vice President On Becoming a Successful Leader: An…
Sherman Prize Honors Excellence in IBD
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Uncategorized / Sherman Prize Honors Excellence in IBDSherman Prize Honors Excellence in Crohn’s and Colitis by Sunanda V. Kane, MD, FACG This week, the recipients of the…
Dr. Kane on Sherman Prize for Excellence in Crohn’s and Colitis
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / News / Dr. Kane on Sherman Prize for Excellence in Crohn’s and ColitisNew Sherman Prize Rewards Outstanding Achievements in Addressing the Challenges of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis by Sunanda V. Kane, MD,…
Conversations with Women in GI: Dr. Sunanda V. Kane
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Uncategorized / Conversations with Women in GI: Dr. Sunanda V. KaneSunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG on Navigating, Networking and Negotiating Your First Job An interview by Jill Gaidos, MD, FACG…