President Trump's Executive Order on Healthcare Prices and Transparency: What ACG Members Need to Know

From ACG Legislative and Public Policy Council Chair, Whitfield L. Knapple, MD, FACG
On Monday, June 24th, President Trump released an executive order on healthcare pricing and transparency. The executive order was met with criticism from hospitals and insurer groups, but supported by patient advocacy and consumer groups. Here are 7 key issues within the executive order:

  1. Within 60 days, HHS shall propose a regulation requiring hospitals to publicly post charges, as well as negotiated rates, for common healthcare procedures.
  2. Within 90 days, HHS shall solicit public comment (note: this is different from a regulation) on proposals requiring healthcare providers and insurers to publicly provide information on expected out-of-pocket patient costs.
  3. Within 180 days, HHS shall release a report on how the federal government and private sector are impeding healthcare price and quality transparency.
  4. Within 180 days, HHS shall develop a "Health Quality Roadmap" designed to align and improve the reporting of quality measures in Medicare and Medicaid.
  1. Within 180 days, HHS shall increase access to Medicare and Medicaid claims-data for research and other purposes.
  2. The executive order requires HHS and the IRS to provide guidance on expanding the high-deductible health plans and flexible spending accounts.
  3. The executive order also requires HHS to issue a report on Surprise Medical Billing. (note: Congress is currently developing their own plans as well)

ACG supports efforts to increase the transparency of health care costs among the various GI practice settings as well as improved access to GI services. We will review these proposals as they are released, work with policymakers on improving them, and will strive to best serve the interests of clinical GI and our patients.

New! ACG Practice Management Toolbox Article: Advocacy and Resources for Effective Political Action in Gastroenterology

New this week to the ACG Practice Management Toolbox is an article brought to you by committee members Eric Shah, MD, MBA and Richard Moses, DO, JD, FACG. As healthcare policymakers embrace value-based care and integrated healthcare delivery, gastroenterologists must actively ensure that new healthcare policies reflect the current realities of GI practice. In this toolbox article, we outline valuable resources for gastroenterologists to advocate for key issues affecting their patients and practice.

What is the Practice Management toolbox?

Gastroenterologists in private practice find themselves working in a time of unprecedented transformation. Pressures are high as they make important management decisions that profoundly affect their business future, their private lives, and their ability to provide care to patients. The ACG Practice Management Committee has a mission to bring practicing colleagues together to explore solutions to overcome management challenges, to improve operations, enhance productivity, and support physician leadership. It was in this spirit that the Practice Management Toolbox was created.

The Toolbox is a series of short articles, written by practicing gastroenterologists, that provide members with easily accessible information to improve their practices. Each article covers an issue important to private practice gastroenterologists and physician-lead clinical practices. They include a brief introduction, a topic overview, specific suggestions, helpful examples and a list of resources or references. Each month a new edition of the Toolbox will be released and will then remain available here along with all previous editions. The Practice Management Committee is confident this series will a provide valuable resource for members striving to optimize their practices.

How Can YOU Get Involved?

What are some important bills impacting GI in Congress? In your state? How can you easily voice your support?

ACG's Legislative Action Center is your one-stop resource to review and advocate for various federal and state bills impacting your profession, practice, and patients.