Board of Trustees Nominations and Elections In order to ensure an open forum for our Members/Fellows, each year in the spring, the Nominating Committee solicits suggestions for the following positions of leadership in the College:
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Members of the Board of Trustees
The President-Elect holds a one-year term and succeeds the current President. The Vice President holds a one-year term and succeeds to the Office of President-Elect. The Secretary and Treasurer hold one-year terms and may succeed themselves. Trustees are elected for two-year terms.
The Call for Nominations is distributed to Members and Fellows of the College in the spring and the Nominating Committee meets to review the nominations and develop a slate of nominees which will be forwarded to the membership at least 30 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting. Elections will occur each year at the Annual Business Meeting which is held on the Monday of the Annual Scientific Meeting. Nominations from the floor are not permitted by ACG’s Constitution and Bylaws.
Board of Governors Nominations and Elections In accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the College, approximately one-third of the ACG Governors are elected annually by the Members and Fellows in their respective geographical areas including districts, states, regions, or territories of the United States and Canada, and countries outside of North America. The Call for Nominations are sent in the spring and Election Ballots are distributed in early summer. To be eligible for nomination, you must be a Fellow in good standing of the College. Governors serve for a term of three years and may not be re-elected for more than two consecutive terms.
Strategic Plan
The ACG’s Strategic Plan fairly reflects both the mission of the College and the needs of its constituents as we move forward together. Together, with the College’s Vision and Mission Statements, these documents are intended to be guideposts for all involved in the oversight and management of the organization as decisions at both the strategic and operational levels are made.
Constitution and Bylaws
The link below to the current American College of Gastroenterology Constitution and Bylaws reflects amendments adopted through October 2023.