
Official Publication of the American College of Gastroenterology

Editors-in-Chief: Jasmohan Bajaj, MD, MS, FACG, and Millie Long, MD, MPH, FACG

The American Journal of Gastroenterology (AJG), published by Wolters Kluwer, provides practical and professional support for clinicians dealing with the gastroenterological disorders seen most often in patients. Notable sections include the Red Section, ACG Clinical Guidelines, Clinical Reviews, and Images/Videos of the Month. Starting in 2022, the Journal now offers an enhanced submission and peer review process for randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Details and requirements for rapid editorial review of RCTs can be found on the RCT information page. CME credit opportunities are offered in each issue. ACG members receive a FREE subscription to The American Journal of Gastroenterology. Visit our Membership Benefits page to find out more about all of the ACG member benefits.

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Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology

Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology is a peer-reviewed open access online journal dedicated to innovative clinical work in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology.

Editor-in-Chief: Brian C. Jacobson, MD, MPH, FACG

ACG Case Reports Journal

ACG Case Reports Journal is an open-access online journal publishing gastroenterology and hepatology case reports.

Co-Editors-in-Chief: Prateek S. Harne, MBBS, MD, and Muhammad Nadeem Yousaf, MD