ACG Virtual Grand Rounds: Career Edition
Click here to view past career-focused VGRs.
Chief Fellows Course
The Chief Fellows Course offers general sessions and small group breakout sessions over two days. During the course Chief Fellows can network, engage in small group learning, role-play, and discuss challenging situations candidly with co-chief fellows and faculty moderators while receiving real-time feedback. The in-person course serves as an engaging and motivating experience for trainees at the cusp of their careers. ACG covers travel, lodging and meal expenses for fellows‐in‐training to attend this meeting. The course will help chief fellows understand the basics of ACGME rules and policies and prepare for the complicated role of serving as a chief fellow at their institutions.
The link to the Nomination website will be sent directly to the GI Program Directors and Coordinators in January, who then nominate their upcoming chief fellow to attend this meeting. Space is limited to 60 fellows from across North America.
The next course will be held May 30-31, 2025 in the Washington D.C. area.
2nd Year Fellows Course
This exciting and unique opportunity is for 2nd year fellows across North America. The College, through its Training Committee, sponsors a weekend course designed specifically for the 2nd year GI fellow. ACG covers travel, lodging and meal expenses for fellows‐in‐training to attend this meeting. In addition to general sessions, attendees rotate through small group breakout sessions that include both hands-on endoscopy training and case centered discussions by the experts which follow a meet‐the‐professor format to encourage two‐way discussion between the fellows and faculty. The focus is practical, i.e., how you would approach this patient and what tests you would order, in addition to the form of therapy.
The link to the Nomination website is sent directly to the GI Program Directors and Coordinators in July, who then nominate one second year fellow from their program to attend this meeting. Space is limited to 125 fellows from across North America.
The next course will be held January 17-19, 2025 in the Washington D.C. area.
North American Conference of GI Fellows
ACG offers the North American Conference of GI Fellows (NACGF) as an annual program for Fellows. Sponsored by the American College of Gastroenterology, NACGF includes research presentations by the Fellows, along with lectures and coaching by a distinguished faculty of gastroenterologists. Attendance at the conference is limited to twenty-five Fellows and is by invitation only.
A Fellow may submit up to three abstracts. The research should be based on clinical or basic science gastroenterology projects with which the Fellows have been involved, including work in progress or case reports with comprehensive literature reviews. Fellows will be selected competitively to receive invitations, based on their submitted abstracts. All Fellows attending the conference will be honored with a certificate of attendance. Each year, three Fellows attending the conference will be selected to receive Distinguished Achievement Awards, which include a $1000 travel award to the ACG Annual Meeting held in October of the same year.
Covered expenses for Fellows attending the conference include hotel accommodations, group meals, round-trip coach airfare and transfer between the hotel and the airport.
The next conference will be held March 28-30, 2025 in Orlando, FL. The deadline to submit an abstract for consideration is Friday, December 20 at 11:59 pm ET.
IBD 101: A Primer for First-Year GI Fellows
“IBD 101: A Primer for First-Year Gastroenterology Fellows” is a 1-day educational course brought to you by ACG and NYU Langone Health designed to provide first-year gastroenterology fellows with the opportunity to learn about the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) early in their training. IBD 101 features an intimate, interactive format led by national leaders in IBD clinical care, research, and education.
Annual Scientific Meeting Trainee Events
Navigating, Networking and Negotiating Your First Job Workshop
The ACG Women in GI Committee is hosting a program geared towards senior GI fellows and junior faculty, addressing the specifics of both the private practice and academic job search. Discussions will focus on details of private practice versus academics, contract analysis, networking skills, negotiating skills, and work-life balance. This workshop will be held at the ACG 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Friday, October 25 from 5:45 pm to 9:00 pm.
Advance registration is required, and space is limited. There is a $25 fee for this workshop. Light fare will be provided. To register, please visit the ACG 2024 registration page.
Career Opportunities for Women in GI Luncheon
The ACG Women in GI Committee is hosting a program geared toward residents, trainees and junior faculty who are facing difficult decisions regarding the future of their medical careers. Female gastroenterologists from a variety of medical backgrounds will address the issues of being a female subspecialist, balancing career and family, and opportunities for women in medicine, and more specifically, gastroenterology. This program is free for ACG 2024 attendees and will be held on Saturday, October 26 from 12:20 pm to 1:35 pm in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Advance registration is required, and space is limited. To register, please visit
Trainees Luncheon
Each year, a special luncheon program exclusively for fellows-in-training is offered on Sunday during the Postgraduate Course. Past topics have included “The GI Job Hunt: Finding, Interviewing, and Negotiating,” “Employment Agreements and Financial Considerations,” “4th Year GI Fellowships,” and “What I Learned My First Year in Practice.” Enjoy this session reconnecting with colleagues and interacting directly with our panel of ACG leaders.
Don’t delay, as this luncheon sells out every year. This luncheon is available to all trainees in gastroenterology and hepatology, and has a fee of $25. To register, please visit the ACG 2024 registration page.