GI OnDemand Logo

Making Digestive Health Expertise, Resources and Support Accessible to Everyone

Educational Resources

Annual Meeting Icon

Annual Scientific Meeting

Featuring world-class clinical science, this is the only national GI meeting that is FREE to members!

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Education Universe

Free CME for members.

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Regional and Other Live Courses

Members receive discounts on all regional courses.

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Self-Assessment Tests

Members receive discounts on all online and print versions of the tests.

Network with Colleagues

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ACG GI Circles

ACG’s online professional networking communities specifically designed to meet the clinical, professional and practice management needs of the ACG members.

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ACG Committees

Join other ACG members as you work on key College projects.

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ACG Board of Governors

This grassroots group is unique to the College and serves as a conduit between the membership and the ACG Board of Trustees.

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Membership Directory

Locate colleagues using the ACG Directory.


The American Journal of Gastroenterology

The American Journal of Gastroenterology is the #1 clinical journal in gastroenterology and hepatology, providing practical and professional support for the GI clinician.

Editors-in-Chief: Jasmohan S. Bajaj, MD, MS, FACG, and Millie D. Long, MD, MPH, FACG

Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology is a peer-reviewed open access online journal dedicated to innovative clinical work in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology.

Editor-in-Chief: Brian C. Jacobson, MD, MPH, FACG

ACG Case Reports Journal is an open-access online journal publishing gastroenterology and hepatology case reports.

Editors-in-Chief: Katherine A. Falloon, MD, and Judy A. Trieu, MD, MPH

Other Publications

ACG Magazine icon

ACG Magazine

A quarterly publication dedicated to “Members, Medicine, and Meaning” that highlights issues of relevance to ACG members and the GI profession.

Evidence-Based GI (EBGI) icon

Evidence-Based GI (EBGI)

A monthly ACG publication with clinical take-aways and evidence-based summaries of articles in GI, Hepatology & Endoscopy.

SmartBrief newsletter icon


A twice weekly e-newsletter that recaps important GI news from medical and mainstream media news sources.

Public Policy newsletter icon

This Week in Washington DC

An electronic newsletter, with updates on public policy issues facing the GI practice and what it really means for you.

Publications Discount icon

Gastroenterology Publications Discounts

Members receive a 30% discount on Lippincott Gastroenterology publications from Wolters Kluwer.

Practice Management Toolbox icon

Practice Management Toolbox

Accessible, relevant, and practical projects to improve your practice.

Financial and Practice Discounts

Funding and Awards

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Research Grants

Funding for clinical research provided annually by the ACG Institute.

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ACG Awards

Acknowledging contributions made to the College and to GI patient care by outstanding individuals.

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International Training Grants

Providing partial financial support to GI physicians to receive clinical or clinical research training around the world.

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ACG-FDA Visiting Fellowship Program

Providing a current first- or second-year fellow the opportunity for a one-month rotation at the FDA.

Representation on Public Policy Issues

ACG Governors’ Fly-In to Washington, D.C.
Personal meetings with legislators and policymakers on behalf of ACG members to advance GI’s top policy priorities and key messages.

Working on Your Behalf at CMS and the FDA
Strategic representation of the interests of GI practitioners and their patients, and resources to help you navigate Medicare’s complex and changing requirements.

This Week in Washington, D.C.
The latest public policy news in D.C and at the state level.

For more information related to public policy issues click here.