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AJG Author Podcasts

Each month the AJG Co-Editors-in-Chief, Dr. Jasmohan Bajaj and Dr. Millie Long, interview the author of a key article highlighting important clinical science for practicing gastrointestinal specialists.

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ACG Clinical Guideline: Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

January 2021

Dr. Mark Pimentel

Mark Pimentel, MD, FACG, discusses the newly published ACG Guideline for Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. (27:59)

Influence of Dietary Restriction on Irritable Bowel Syndrome

February 2019

Dr. Mark Pimentel

Mark Pimentel, MD, FACG, discusses non-pharmaceutical management approaches for IBS, including gluten-free diet, dairy-free diet, low FODMAP diet, and fiber. (21:55)

Differential Effects of FODMAPs on Small and Large Intestinal Contents in Healthy Subjects Shown by MRI

January 2014

Dr. Robin C. Spiller

Robin C. Spiller, MD, FRCP, co-author of new research on the effect of FODMAPs such as fructose and fructans on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms published in the January 2014 issue of AJG, talks with AJG Co-Editor Dr. William D. Chey about the dietary substances included in the FODMAP classification, the MRI imaging techniques used to measure FODMAP impact on colonic distention and gas production in this study, and how clinicians might consider FODMAPs along with gluten and lactose when recommending dietary interventions for IBS patients. (21:53)

Linaclotide for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

November 2012

Dr. William D. Chey and Dr. Satish Rao

Dr. Paul Moayyedi talks with William D. Chey, MD, FACG and Satish Rao, MD, PhD, FACG about two randomized controlled trials on linaclotide in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) published in the December issue of The American Journal of Gastroenterology. The phase 3 trials report that this new therapy significantly reduces constipation and abdominal pain associated with some kinds of IBS. (35:31)

Prevalence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms in IBD

October 2012

Dr. Alexander C. Ford and Dr. Eamonn M. M. Quigley

Paul Moayyedi, MD, FACG, talks with Alexander C. Ford, MD, and Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, FACG, about the findings from the first systematic review of the literature of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms in inflammatory bowel disease. In the review, Dr. Ford and his co-investigator Stephen J. Halpin, MD, demonstrated that prevalence of symptoms compatible with IBS in patients with IBD is as high as 40%. This article and Dr. Quigley’s editorial “Irritable Bowel Symptoms in IBD: Diagnostic Uncertainty Meets Pathological Reality” were published in the October issue of the AJG. (23:08)