ACG Endoscopy Resumption Task Force Survey: Please Participate Today!
From the ACG Endoscopy Resumption Task Force
COVID-19 Surge Survey: Please Participate Now!
We are seeking your help in updating the College on the status of your GI practice and resumption of endoscopy services in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please take a few minutes and complete this important survey. This is a follow-up survey from surveys in April and June 2020 that many of you completed. Findings will help guide ACG’s recommendations moving forward.
An April 2020 ACG Practice Management Committee survey revealed important changes to GI practice operations, severe reductions in revenue across all gastroenterology practice models, and a significant impact on patient access to endoscopy. The key findings from this April 2020 survey were discussed in a ACG Endoscopy Resumption Task Force webinar in April, as well as in the May 2020 Task Force’s guidance document on resuming endoscopy services. The Practice Management Committee conducted a follow-up survey in June 2020. The April vs. June 2020 survey results were presented during the July 2020 ACG Endoscopy Resumption Task Force Webinar.
We Need Your Help: Updating ACG on the Status of Your Practice
Please take a few minutes and complete this survey as soon as possible. Please also encourage your ACG colleagues to participate in the survey as well. Your participation is critical for the ACG Endoscopy Resumption Task Force’s continued efforts to provide practical recommendations moving forward.
CMS Approves GIQuIC Registry for the 2021 MIPS Reporting Year
Great news! The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently approved the GI Quality Improvement Consortium (GIQuIC) as a Qualified Clinical Data Registry for reporting to the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) for the 2021 reporting year. Click here to learn more about the GIQuIC registry, or email
Upcoming ACG Webinar: COVID-19 Surge: Updated Recommendations from ACG's Task Force on Endoscopic Resumption
The ACG Endoscopy Resumption Task Force was formed in April 2020, in response to the tremendous challenges of resuming or ramping up endoscopy during the pandemic and navigating a deluge of clinical information, regulations, and recommendations by the GI societies. The Task Force will continue to provide important guidance and critical updates for GI practices as we face this COVID-19 surge in 2021.
What is the Practice Management Toolbox?
The Toolbox is a series of short articles, written by practicing gastroenterologists, that provide members with easily accessible information to improve their practices. Each article covers an issue important to private practice gastroenterologists and physician-lead clinical practices. They include a brief introduction, a topic overview, specific suggestions, helpful examples and a list of resources or references. Each month a new edition of the Toolbox will be released and will then remain available here along with all previous editions. The Practice Management Committee is confident this series will a provide valuable resource for members striving to optimize their practices.