Poster 1298 A Case Report: Bridging the Gap in Understanding “Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity”

Bhaumik Brahmbhatt, MD, MBBS
Bhaumik Brahmbhatt, MD, MBBS

Author insight from Bhaumik Brahmbhatt, MD, MBBS, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL

What’s new here and important for clinicians?
The use of food additives to prolong the shelf life has increased and patients may be at risk for an adverse reaction. Although the mechanism for gastrointestinal intolerance is unknown, this case demonstrates a clear association between symptoms and exposure to Azodicarbonamide. A thorough evaluation of diet for non-ulcer dyspepsia and other non-specific gastrointestinal symptoms is essential to avoid unnecessary and expensive testing and treatment.

What do patients need to know?
We encourage a thorough evaluation of your diet (solid/liquids) and environment for Non-ulcer Dyspepsia (burning pain in the upper portion of the belly in the absence of ulcer, confirmed by a gastroenterologist) and other non-specific gastrointestinal symptoms (heart burn, bloating, loose stools, amongst others; after your physician does not find any definitive cause).

In such case you should keep a symptom diary; carefully read all the ingredients and look up their side effects on internet (as medical literature, with formal studies to prove a causation, is lagging behind to the vast information available on the internet shared by others with similar symptoms). You might be the first one, sensitive to an additive, so if you have good symptom correlation (after stopping there is complete resolution of your symptoms) then please share it with your physician (to improve our understanding) and the community (preferably through internet); In that case you should also celebrate as you have carked the code and have reused yourself from circling down the drain of unnecessary and expensive testing and or treatments from seeing countless sub-specialists.

But if you have any abdominal symptom associated with any of the following: age >40, anemia, unintentional weight loss, blood in stool (tarry/ bright red), night sweats, fever, chills, change in your bowel movement pattern, family history of cancer, chronic smoking or alcohol use; then you should not delay a formal thorough medical evaluation with your physician to first rule out life threatening conditions.

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 Author Contact
Bhaumik Brahmbhatt, MD, MBBS, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL

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