Tag: ACG 2020
The Pregnant IBD Patient: What You Really Need to Know: Video of the Week with Dr. Sunanda Kane
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / The Pregnant IBD Patient: What You Really Need to Know: Video of the Week with Dr. Sunanda KaneExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors
Management of Hemorrhoids: Video of the Week with Dr. Waqar Qureshi
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / Management of Hemorrhoids: Video of the Week with Dr. Waqar QureshiExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors
The Emerging Role of Diet in IBD Management: Physician and Nutritionist Perspectives: Video of the Week with Dr. Jonathan Leighton and Kelly Issokson, RD
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / The Emerging Role of Diet in IBD Management: Physician and Nutritionist Perspectives: Video of the Week with Dr. Jonathan Leighton and Kelly Issokson, RDExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors
Managing Refractory Symptoms in Celiac Disease: Video of the Week with Dr. Amy Oxentenko
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / Managing Refractory Symptoms in Celiac Disease: Video of the Week with Dr. Amy OxentenkoExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors
A Practical Approach to Checkpoint Inhibitor Immune-Related Gastrointestinal Adverse Events: Video of the Week with Dr. Kara De Felice
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / A Practical Approach to Checkpoint Inhibitor Immune-Related Gastrointestinal Adverse Events: Video of the Week with Dr. Kara De FeliceExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors
Video of the Week – Dr. Linda Ahn Nguyen on What’s the Real Story of Those Trending “Google MD” Diagnoses? (POTS, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Ehlers Danlos, and More!)
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / Video of the Week – Dr. Linda Ahn Nguyen on What’s the Real Story of Those Trending “Google MD” Diagnoses? (POTS, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Ehlers Danlos, and More!)Explore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors
Video of the Week – Dr. Seth Gross on GI Bleeding 2020: Tools, Techniques, Tips, and Tricks!
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / Video of the Week – Dr. Seth Gross on GI Bleeding 2020: Tools, Techniques, Tips, and Tricks!Explore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors
The Difficult Foreign Body: Tools and Techniques – Video of the Week with Dr. David Greenwald
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / The Difficult Foreign Body: Tools and Techniques – Video of the Week with Dr. David GreenwaldExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors
Tackling GI Complications of Opioid Treatment: Video of the Week with Dr. Darren Brenner
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / Tackling GI Complications of Opioid Treatment: Video of the Week with Dr. Darren BrennerExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors
Video of the Week – Dr. Lawrence Brandt on Ischemic Disorders of the GI Tract
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / Video of the Week – Dr. Lawrence Brandt on Ischemic Disorders of the GI TractExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors