A Healthy Challenge to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening Starting at Age 45 for March Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in 2024!

The “Ride or Stride for 45” Virtual Challenge has become an ACG tradition! This virtual experience brings together the ACG family and GI community to show their commitment to colorectal cancer screening and prevention and highlight age 45 to begin colorectal cancer screening for all average risk adults, as recommended in the 2021 ACG Clinical Guidelines on Colorectal Cancer Screening (Shaukat, et al.)
About “Ride or Stride for 45” in 2024
In this virtual program conducted via social media, ACG members, your patients, families, and friends are all invited to bike, run, or walk 45 miles in March (or 45 minutes per day during the month) to demonstrate your support and enthusiasm for preventing colorectal cancer beginning at age 45 for all average-risk adults.
The American College of Gastroenterology urges you to get some exercise, share the message of colorectal cancer prevention, and share via social media during this month-long observance.
Your Call-to-Action
- Put your commitment to colorectal cancer prevention to the test and bike, run, or walk 45 miles total in March….OR 45 minutes per day during the month!
- Celebrate your success by posting photos on social media and urging your patients, families, and communities to get screened for colorectal cancer starting at age 45.
- ACG reminds everyone that: Now “45 is the new 50” to start screening for everyone at average risk for colorectal cancer! Your gastroenterologist can find colon polyps early so they can be safely removed and help prevent colorectal cancers. #45isTheNew50
How it Works
In this virtual event, you bike, row, run, or walk on your own, take photos in the race bib then celebrate via social media during March. Please post photos of your activities and tag the College @AmCollegeGastro, and include the hashtags #RideOrStrideFor45 #ColorectalCancerAwarenessMonth.
Go the Distance! Photo Gallery: Virtual 5K for Ride or Stride for 45

ACG’s Commitment Colorectal Cancer Prevention during Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
ACG CRC Community Education Toolkit
The ACG’s ongoing commitment to colorectal cancer awareness includes helping physicians educate their patients and communities about the importance of screening. These CRC awareness efforts are highlighted every year during March Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and include a CRC Community Education Toolkit containing a wealth of resources, key messages, tips, and downloadable materials.
Patient Information: “45 is the New 50” ACG’s New CRC Screening
Age 45 is now recommended as the time to start screening for colorectal cancer among all average-risk adults according to 2021 guidelines from the American College of Gastroenterology. Your gastroenterologist can find colon polyps early so they can be safely removed and help to prevent colorectal cancers.

In the United States, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer, yet it is one of the most preventable types of cancer. It is highly treatable and is often curable when caught early.
The American College of Gastroenterology is dedicated to the early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer. Our experts know that colorectal cancer screening tests can save lives.
For all the facts about colorectal cancer, screening options for patients and recommendations for prevention, visit gi.org/colorectal-cancer.