Carroll D. Koscheski, MD, FACG
Carroll D. Koscheski, MD, FACG

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released the 2016 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) proposed rule which, if finalized, would drastically cut reimbursement rates for colonoscopy and other lower GI endoscopy procedures.  During a recent meeting with officials at CMS, leaders from ACG, AGA, and ASGE argued that proposed colonoscopy reimbursement cuts were made on flawed data.

ACG urges you to sign this online petition opposing these cuts.   

We also need your community’s support to help fight these cuts.  Access this “playbook” for a petition to hang up at your practice, and how you send these signatures to ACG.

Contact your legislators during the August recess

Congress can escape the hot weather in Washington D.C. but we must keep the heat on them!

To assist members ACG has created a strategic “playbook” with resources for GI clinicians.  Access this “playbook” now for  information on how you can engage your policy makers, colleagues, and patients.

ACG urges you and your colleagues to help us oppose these proposed cuts.

Learn more about the College’s strategy to build support for the SCREEN Act (S.1079/H.R. 2035) and have Congress oppose the cuts here .

Carroll D. Koscheski, MD, FACG, ACG National Affairs Chair


Related Resources

Medicare Cuts to Colonoscopy Threaten Progress Against Colorectal Cancer

CMS Proposes Cuts to 2016 Colonoscopy Rates: ACG, AGA and ASGE Will Fight Cuts

Good News, Bad News: Colorectal Cancer Screening is Up But A Quirk in the Law and Forthcoming Reimbursement Cuts Could Derail Hardwon Progress in the Fight Against Colorectal Cancer