Whitfield L. Knapple, MD, FACG Chair, ACG National Affairs
Whitfield L. Knapple, MD, FACG
Chair, ACG National Affairs

Did you receive a letter from CMS indicating that your 2016 Medicare payments will be cut due to failing to participant in Meaningful Use back in 2014? The deadline to appeal this determination is fast approaching.

Are you planning to attest to satisfying the Meaningful Use 2015 reporting period? March is right around the corner. GIQuIC members planning to attest to Meaningful Use may also use their participation in GIQuIC to help successfully meet these requirements. Contact GIQuIC.

Did you know that all ACG members can apply for and receive a blanket Meaningful Use exemption for the 2015 reporting year? Congress passed this hardship exemption in late 2015. Please see the instructions below. Also take note that even ACG members planning to attest to meeting the 2015 Meaningful Use reporting year can also apply for this blanket hardship exemption, simply as additional security and without penalty.

2016 Medicare Provider Reconsiderations Application The deadline for Eligible Professionals to submit Reconsideration forms for the 2016 payment adjustment (based on the 2014 EHR reporting period).

Only apply if you have received a letter from Medicare indicating that you are subject to the 2016 payment adjustment.

Application and Guidance.  For more inquiries about the Reconsideration Application, please email pareconsideration@provider-resources.com

February 29, 2016
Medicare Attestation for Meaningful Use for 2015 Reporting Year

You can attest through the CMS Medicare EHR  Incentive Programs Attestation System: https://ehrincentives.cms.gov/

March 11, 2016
“Modified” Stage 2 Hardship Exemption for 2015 Reporting Year

Complete the application found here

Please read:

ACG Members should apply for a hardship exemption under the “EHR Certification/Vendor Issues (CEHRT Issues)”category.  This is “Option 2.2.d” in the application.

ACG Members should skip Section 3 as well.

Further Application Guidance

July 1, 2016