*EMBARGOED All research presented at the World Congress of Gastroenterology at ACG2017 is strictly embargoed until Monday, October 16, 2017, at 8:00 am EDT.

Diana Plata, MD

Poster 2047 Association Between Colonoscopy Preparation Type and Simethicone Use in a Large Academic Center

Author Insight from Diana Plata, MD, Rush University Medical Center

What’s new and important here?

Our retrospective data showed a statistically significant association between choice of bowel preparation and the need for simethicone use during colonoscopy. This is important given the ongoing concern regarding simethicone and residual contamination of endoscopes. A recent study in The American Journal of Infection Control (Ofstead CL et al.) found that residual fluid containing simethicone may accumulate in endoscopes despite disinfection and reprocessing, a phenomenon associated with accumulation of biofilm and bacterial growth that could lead to contaminated instruments or possibly infectious complications. Our study revealed that simethicone was used in 20.8% of the procedures in our study. Therefore, given its possible clinical implications, choosing a different preparation may lower the use of simethicone during colonoscopy, and potentially decrease biofilm formation and residual contamination of the endoscope.

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Author Contact
Diana Plata, MD, Rush University Medical Center

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