ACG: An Antidote to Burnout
At the conclusion of a successful ACG Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course last week in San Antonio, what was so incredible to me was all the enthusiasm, energy, conversation, camaraderie, and, most importantly, all the information that we are bringing back to our patients to make their lives better.
I realize that the ACG and the Annual Meeting are really an antidote to burnout. With all that we hear about disengagement among physicians, ACG’s meeting and the College are really engagement at its best.
I invite you to watch this video and then challenge you to make a short video of your own. I want you to share examples of information and materials from ACG that you are using in your practice – what resources are most valuable to you, and why?
Share your ideas in a video of 1 minute or less and send to mpochapin@gi.organd we will send these around to your ACG colleagues.
I look forward to seeing your short videos about what matters most to you among ACG’s many offerings for GI clinicians!