Tag: ACG 2016 Annual Scientific Meeting
Video of the Week: David E. Fleischer, MD, FACG, Delivers the Emily Couric Memorial Lecture — Why the Esophageal Health of a Masai Tribesman in Kenya Matters to GI Docs in the US
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / Video of the Week: David E. Fleischer, MD, FACG, Delivers the Emily Couric Memorial Lecture — Why the Esophageal Health of a Masai Tribesman in Kenya Matters to GI Docs in the USExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors The ACG Education Universe is a robust online educational library featuring…
Video of the Week: Tram T. Tran, MD, FACG, Delivers The American Journal of Gastroenterology Lecture — Hepatitis C: The Past, the Present and the Future
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Education / Video of the Week: Tram T. Tran, MD, FACG, Delivers The American Journal of Gastroenterology Lecture — Hepatitis C: The Past, the Present and the FutureExplore the ACG Education Universe with Weekly Picks by Co-Editors The ACG Education Universe is a robust online educational library featuring…
Explore Clinical GI Science at ACG 2016 Annual Meeting
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Uncategorized / Explore Clinical GI Science at ACG 2016 Annual Meeting*EMBARGOED All research presented at the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting is strictly embargoed until Monday, October 17, 2016 at 8:00…
Preliminary Program ACG Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgrad Course
American College of Gastroenterology / Posts / Events / Preliminary Program ACG Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgrad CoursePreliminary Program for ACG 2016 Explore the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgrad Course Preliminary Program. Great clinical science and…